iherk develop

Pakornpong Suknak

Skills ExpressJS

About Me

     My name is Herk. I am a web developer with expertise in using Express Js, Next Js, Laravel, Mongodb, Ubuntu Server, Nginx, Photoshop, and Basic Seo for website development.

     I graduated with a degree in Information Technology, I have had the opportunity to work with clients both locally and internationally and have gained their trust and satisfaction.

     As for my skills, I have knowledge and experience in developing websites with Express Js and Next Js for both server-side rendering and client-side rendering, as well as Laravel for PHP web development with proficiency in managing Mongodb databases.

     Moreover, I am skilled in installing and maintaining Ubuntu servers and Nginx for various reverse proxy applications, as well as using Photoshop for designing and editing images necessary for websites.

     Finally, I am also capable of optimizing websites for better SEO performance using Basic Seo for planning and improving website performance.

     I hope this introduction provides insight into my skills and experiences and would make me a valuable asset as a web developer.

Quality Services

  • Website Development
  • Web Server
  • SEO

Programming Skills


Education Timeline

  • 2017 - 2020

    Thonburi Univercity

    Bachelor Degree
  • 2014 - 2016

    Niwitratupathum Shool

    High School

Working Timeline

  • 2021 - running

    LEDonhome Trading Co.,Ltd.

    Web Developer

Delicious Apple


An apple is an edible fruit produced by an apple tree. Apple trees are cultivated worldwide and are the most widely grown species in the genus Malus. The tree originated in Central Asia, where its wild ancestor, Malus sieversii, is still found today.

Apples grown from seed tend to be very different from those of the parents, and the resultant fruit frequently lack desired characteristics. Generally then, apple cultivars are propagated by clonal grafting onto rootstocks. Apple trees grown without rootstocks tend to be larger and much slower to fruit after planting.